Empowering BusinessDesk with AI-Driven Insights

We're all about harnessing the power of AI to shake things up in the business world and make things better for users. Our work with BusinessDesk is a prime example of how we roll – using AI to improve the user experience of their subscribers.

The opportunity

  • Enhanced Content Discovery

    The AI tool offers BusinessDesk the opportunity to enhance content discovery for its readers. By recommending similar articles, readers can easily explore related topics and delve deeper into their areas of interest, increasing the time they spend on the site.

  • Increased Reader Engagement

    By presenting articles that are similar to what users are currently reading, BusinessDesk can significantly boost reader engagement. This approach keeps readers engaged with a continuous flow of content that aligns with their current interests.

  • Improved Navigation and User Experience

    The recommendation tool can streamline the user experience by simplifying how readers find related content. Instead of manually searching for similar topics, readers are effortlessly guided to relevant articles, enhancing the overall navigation and user experience on the site.

  • Leveraging Long-Tail Content

    The recommendation tool can help in surfacing long-tail content - articles that might not be in the immediate spotlight but are valuable to certain reader segments. This not only improves the visibility of a broader range of articles but also maximises the value of BusinessDesk’s entire content library.

  • Competitive Edge in Content Curation

    Utilising AI for recommending similar articles places BusinessDesk at a competitive advantage. It demonstrates a commitment to leveraging technology for improved content curation, setting BusinessDesk apart in a market where most competitors might still rely on more traditional methods of content recommendation.

  • Boosting Reader Retention

    BusinessDesk's use of a supercharged AI search tool and highly related article suggestions can significantly increase reader retention. By offering relevant and closely connected content recommendations, they ensure that readers have a more fulfilling experience. This strategy enhances reader satisfaction, fostering a more consistent and engaged readership.

How did we do it?

Data Collection and Database Creation

We began by analysing extensive data from BusinessDesk's treasure trove of past content, including news articles, financial reports, and journalist profiles. Along with analysing the content we also leveraged AI to create metadata for each piece of content to allow for future tailoring of the tools.

Developing Combined Search and Recommendation Functionality

Our next phase involved creating an API layer that serves a dual purpose. It employs sophisticated natural language processing (NLP) algorithms not only to interpret user search queries but also to pave the way for pertinent article recommendations. This step was crucial in linking users with content that aligns with their interests.

Refinement and Optimisation

This is where the Silky “Secret sauce” is added, we dedicated time to meticulously refine our tools. We collaborated with BusinessDesk by examining many different user search types and outcomes, then we made targeted adjustments. Our aim was to ensure that both search results and recommendations were as relevant and accurate as possible.

Integration and Implementation

The final stage was about integrating our solutions seamlessly with BusinessDesk’s existing platform. We focused on ensuring that the integration was smooth, intuitive, and enhanced the overall user experience.

Continuous Improvement and Evolution

This stage is all about implementing feedback from users and BusinessDesk's team to fine-tune the system. We also keep an eye on the latest advancements in the AI field to ensure our tools stay ahead of the curve. Regular updates and enhancements based on new AI developments and user insights ensure that BusinessDesk’s search and recommendation features continually evolve, becoming more efficient and user-friendly over time.

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