The Team

Chris Matthews


Chris Matthews is the's the driving force behind our tech-savvy, forward-thinking approach. With experience in technology strategy, AI and Product Management he is always interested in the next big thing in tech.

His journey is a tale of tackling tech challenges head-on, from leading cutting-edge R&D teams to steering the ship on engineering projects. Chris thinks outside the box, especially when it comes to transforming complex ideas into user-friendly AI solutions.

Chris is all about empowering our clients to harness their data and stay several steps ahead in the ever-evolving tech race. He’s the captain at the helm, constantly navigating towards uncharted technological territories, making sure both our team and our clients are riding the wave of the latest tech trends.

Luke Doyle

Chief Technology Officer

Meet Luke Doyle, our CTO and the mastermind turning AI dreams into reality. Luke's passion for artificial intelligence is not just about algorithms and data; it's about shaping a future where technology meets practicality. His adventure began with a building a chess-playing bot that leverages Machine learning from scratch – setting the stage for his role as Silky’s Technical leader.

Luke leads our tech team with a blend of expertise, creativity, and a constant thirst for innovation. He's the guy who translates tech jargon into simple language, ensuring our clients are not just keeping pace but setting the pace in a digital-first world.

At the core of Luke's philosophy is his commitment to crafting AI solutions that are as smart as they are user-friendly, ensuring that every client feels like a tech pro when they partner with us. With Luke at the tech helm, we're building cutting edge smarter solutions.